Ylva The Early Game Burst Goddess

Ylva The Early Game Burst Goddess

by Lintang88 (Patch 4.2)


A. Introduction & Lore 

Ylva is an assassin in the jungle who can can go either Weapon or Crystal. Not complicated and carries a deadly ganking potential with her 1-2 Punch. She also has a trap that roots enemies in a huge radius!

Hello there! My name is Lintang88 from the SEA Server. Im currently tier 10 in 5v5 and Tier 9 in 3v3 so you can trust me that the guides do work for me, and has carried me through my ranked game. This may not work all the time, but its still decent enough to give a brief overview of the Hero.

Ylva is a assassin that is mostly played in the jungle. She has short basic attack range, a stun, a gap closer, and an ult that roots surrounding enemies. She is a monster at the early game! Ylva dominates the early game, but is highly vulnerable(but also dangerous) when it reaches the late game.

B. Skills:

Hunter’s Sense: Before diving into her skill set lets talk about her passive. This heroic perk gives Ylva info about where her enemies are (in the fog of war) moving as long as they are in her vision range. Your allies also gain this heroic perk.
[-] CONS
Works wonders for ganking, setting up an ambush, or when invading the enemies jungle
-Doesn’t detect enemies that are NOT moving.
Counters all kind of invisibility such as flicker’s passive & ult, Kestrel’s Active Camo, Taka’s Kaku, etc
Only provides info about their location and their direction but no info about which hero it is. Also doesn’t reveal invisible heroes.
 Charge Shot (A): This skill gives Ylva the ability to stun on her next basic attack (after charging). Even this skill can be a devastating stun it makes Ylva 30% slower when walking, and this my friend is why a Ylva buys her shoes ASAP.
[+] PROS
Deadly stun with bonus damage
Makes you slower while charging the shot.
Doesn’t reveal your location while in the bush
Has a charge time for 1.8 seconds max
Crimson Fang (B): This ability makes Ylva lunge to her pray, stabbing them and dealing a whopping 75% bonus damage if the target is stunned or rooted.
[-] CONS
Also works as a good gap closer. Also gives her a boost of attack and movement speed
Has small range beforeoverdriven.
Deals a decent amount of damage that would mostlytake 30% of the enemy bot laners health when used correctly
Puts Ylva in a Odd/Dangerous positionif used to dive
Binding Mine (Ultimate): This ability spawns a mine that will go hidden/stealth after 2seconds. When stepped on (by enemies) it will explode, dealing damage and rooting ALL units within 6 meters.
[-] CONS
Gives her good gank potentialwhen used correctly.
Needs time to set-up (2 seconds)
Roots her enemies allowing Ylva for a follow-up Crimson Fang.
Only one can exist at the same time.
Can be used as an offensive or a defensive ability. (Versatile)
Can be destroyed with 3 attacks
Fairly low Cooldown.
Can be Reflex Blocked

C. Ylva’s One Two Punch!

The only thing you need to master is, how long her Charge Shot needs to be charged before shooting and chaining it with your Crimson Fang to probably insta-kill most enemies (Tanks excluded). Sometimes Ylva would also use her Crimson Fang to gap close the enemy.

In order to deal with that 30% movement speed decrease when charging your A, boots are highly recommended to be used on every gank. EXCEPT when your target is too close to the brush they have no vision in.

What makes her hard to master is her short range. Which is only 5.5 meters, THIS is pretty short when compared to other ranged characters.

D. Strategies:

Start Banner for fast jungle clearing and take her B(Crimson Fang) first for the extra damage boost. I would recommend starting Weapon Treant then Gold Oak, after that see lanes that are gankable. “But how should i know which lane to gank?” Well there will be another section for that down below.

After ganking, stealing jungle camps, etc recall to base and purchase tier one bootswith a couple of blades. If your gold oak and weapon treant haven’t spawned you can take the double backs (the camp close to the cp buff), but if it is already taken then you should standby near mid lane for opportunities to chip down the enemies health. Repeat this pattern until mid game.

When teamfighting you have 2 options/play-styles

1) Sneak/flank for a chance to explode the enemy carry.
2) Protecting your teams carry from getting dived by the enemy jungler!
*My little tip is to set a mine/trap for you or your teams escape path*

Your decision will heavily decide the flow of the teamfight! Choose wisely and don’t die for nothing! If you go with the first option then you should at least have a reflex block to make sure that Ylva can escape without getting killed.

If you prefer the more passive way and choose to protect your carry, charge your [A] Charged Shot and wait for them to dive you/your carry. A good trick would be to hide in the fog of war (usually at the corners of the map). Stun the enemy jungler and chain it into your Crimson Fang and quickly reposition yourself to be able to attack without being too close to the enemy jungler.

E. Time stamps. When to do What




Start at Weapon Treant


Finish Clearing Weapon and Gold treant. Proceed to find Gank Opportunities*


(03.00 max)

Stop helping the laner or soaking lane minions. You need to recall to base for boots. If you have 650 gold get boots and blade, if your ganking target is fast or has a dash get the Tier 2 boots.


Clear camps(Prioritize weapon Treant and Gold Oak). Gank the lane that needs the most help or has high Gank Opportunity*. Then as the shop spawns, buy your Precious Journey Boots!


(08.00 Max)

Gank and make the enemy laners miserable. Eventhough camping lanes are okay, i would recommend you to seek the enemy mid/bot laner(Big Bonus if you could kill the enemy jungler and steal his jungle). After this phase you should recall to regen Hp&Mana. Buy the parts for your SorrowBlade.


Clear Camps, rotate against aggression from the enemy team. At the 11 minute mark you should have a SorrowBlade, if you didn’t get much kills then it would be at the 13 minute mark.

11.00 until end

Rinse repeat clearing camps when the lanes are neutral, and when you are not contesting any objectives. Please do not farm mindlessly, you WILL get flamed/blamed. If you’re going to clear jungle camps or minion waves, ping the “I’m not ready” and “Be careful” as a sign for your team to not all-in team fights or get engaged by the enemy team.

F.1 How To Identify The Best Lane TO Gank! (Extremely Important!)

In order to build a lead and dominate your enemies by steamrolling them, you would need the wisdom to identify gankable lanes. There are three types of gankable lanes which are: 1. When your allies in that lane have a form of CC(stun, root) 2. Lanes which are even or neutral 3. Lanes that are facing aggression.

Lets analyze these types from the first and best one. For the lane which has a form of CC, you would have an option to Chain Stun that would usually kill them. Ylva’s Crimson Fang alone deals a LOT of damage when the target is hit by CC. So these lanes will mostly give you a guaranteed kill.

Moving on to the second type, lanes that are neutral are usually the Mid & Bottom lane. These lanes should be your top priority because they can potentially snowball and carry the game. I use the term Neutral when the laners aren’t actively trading blows, and when you disturb this “Evenness” you can potentially turn the tables into your teams favor.

As for the last indicator, aggression. Aggression would usually happen in the lanes where the enemy hero has a strong early game such as Lance, Grumpjaw, Adagio, Joule, etc. The ganks on these lanes would be extremely risky and would usually make or break it. Because if you end up giving them a kill, they will have an advantage and punish your allied laner even more. That is why this is the last type, because this isn’t the most guaranteed gank.

F.2 How to Set-up Ganks as Ylva

Before ganking always search for the easiest way to sneak in undetected. You would usually need some coordination for this. Firstly you should put a Scout Cam in the Brush to clear vision. Please ask for the laner to clear the Scout Camfor You! So Ylva can sneak in undetected inside the brush. After this phase wait a couple of seconds to see if they will put another Scout Cam in the brush (to ensure the success of the gank). Ask the laner to do the same thing as before. Enter the bush, and then charge your [A] Charged Shot and walk towards your target (Use boots if you have them off cooldown) and do your combo. After dealing damage/Killing the enemy, enter their jungle for Deep Vision (placing Scout Cams in their jungle to spot their Rotations) then recall to Shop. Rinse and Repeat to win.

Diving is also pretty easy as Ylva because you can Combo and run away easily. When the enemy is under tower with less than 40% health (the lower the better) wait for your minions to enter turret range, charge your [A] while walking towards them (start when the bar is halfway full) then Chain it with [B] Crimson Fang! Also notify your laner so they can help you out.

Another strategy (even though its hard to pull off) is to sneak in the side lanebrush. This would only work at the side lanes (Top and Bot), to pull this off enter the brush when the enemy minions aren’t around. This is a situation when the enemy laner will have no vision over the bush because the minions haven’t arrived. People rarely do this so this should usually work especially in aggressive lanes, just try your best to not get spotted by their skills. Once they enter your “Kill Zone” or range, do your One-Two Punch and finish them off.

P.S: Ylva is a Hit and Run jungler, so she should get in, Combo her enemies, and run away to wait for her skills to be off cooldown.

G. WP Build:
1. For the first item after storm guard banner get Journey boots ASAP. (05.00)
2. Secondly farm to purchase a Sorrowblade. (you should get it by 11.00-13.00)
3. Then go for a Tension Bow for ridiculous nukes. (Approx. At 15.00 or 17.00)
4. If the enemies are nuking you get a Slumbering Husk, if they have a lot of stuns get a Reflex Block/Celestial Hood, if you are ahead in gold and currently winning/snowballing buy a Tyrant Monocle for juicy crits. (20.00-22.00)
5. At this point you can go for a Defense item(if you went for a Tyrants Monocle as a 3rditem) or Get ANOTHER Tyrants Monocle for even more Huge Crits. (22.00-25.00)
6. For the last item, sell your banner in exchange for another defensive item. Please remember that Ylva is still a ranged Jungler which is very squishy and can be instantly killed without some defensive items. BUT if you just can’t build a defensive item(pls buy defense).. Go for ANOTHER Tyrant Monocle or a Tornado Trigger or a Breaking Point, or a tiny Poison Shiv! (25.00-30.00)
P.S: The faster you get your build done, the better it would be.

F. When To Pick or Not to pick Ylva

Pick Ylva when:

– The enemies team has a lot of low health heroes that you can burst down. For an example when the enemy has 3 Carries which are all ranged, picking Ylva is highly recommended

– Your team needs someone to burst down a key target. Sometimes the enemy team will have 2 Hyper-carries and 3 Tanks, this would be a good time to pick Ylva or other assassins.

-When your team needs more stuns or roots. Especially in this patch, Reflex Block has been nerfed pretty hard, so.. Junglers who have a form of Crowd Control (Stun, Root, etc) will almost have a guaranteed kill in their ganks.

When to NOT pick Ylva:

When the enemies have more than 2 forms of Crowd Control. For an example when the enemy pick Phinn, Lance, and Catherine in one team it is not recommended to pick Ylva.

-If the enemy team has a lot of fast moving carries the best option is to not pick Ylva because of the slow when charging her A. Gwen, Ringo, Vox could easily runaway before you stun them.

-When the enemy has a lot of gapclosers. Naturally as a ranged assassin you would like to stay as far as you can while dealing damage to your enemies. These type of heroes (which have a lot of gap closers) will absolutely ruin your day.

And that’s it! Now you have learned the basics of playing Ylva!

If you read the guide until this part, please leave some criticism regarding to this guide! I will read them and use it as preference for a better guide in the future!

You could follow my instagram, even though there isn’t much Vainglory content.. Yet!

